Keywords: Alcohol harm South Africa
AbstractThe Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) in South Africa vehemently opposed Clause 8 of the Basic Education Legislation Amendment Bill (BELA) allowing alcohol sales at schools. This stance was grounded in the 2016 National Liquor Policy, advocating for distance between schools and liquor outlets. SAAPA's multifaceted approach included engaging government, experts, media advocacy, social mobilisation, and active participation in the legislative process. Their efforts, culminating in over 5000 submissions and an oral presentation, led to the removal of Clause 8 in September 2023. This success underscores the pivotal role of civil society in shaping evidence-based policies for public health and child welfare.
How to Cite
Fortein, T.-L., & Diedericks , A. M. (2024). Safeguarding South African schools: Civil society action against alcohol sales in educational settings. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 12(S1), S52–S56.
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