Evaluating the progress of alcohol policies in Burundi against the WHO ‘best buy’ interventions: implications for public health.

Egide Haragirimana Centre for Health Policy Analyis and Research Gemma Mitchell University of Stirling Isabelle Uny University of Stirling

Keywords: Alcohol policy, Burundi, Implementation challenges, WHO Best buys


Introduction:  Alcohol use is a major global health risk, with Global South countries experiencing greater harm per litre of alcohol consumed than those in the Global North. In Burundi, a country with a low-income economy, 16.6% of people aged 15 and above binge drink, and over 30% of women drink during pregnancy. This paper examines current alcohol policies in Burundi, how well they match the WHO ‘best buy’ policy options, and stakeholder views on their implementation.


Methods:  We searched for policy documents via online searches, visits to government offices, and snowball sampling from contact with key stakeholders. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten stakeholders. The WHO-European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol (EAPA) tool was used to analyse the extent to which Burundi has adopted recommended policy standards. Interviews were thematically analysed using NVivo software.


Results: Only nine of the 34 WHO-EAPA indicators are addressed, seven out of 34 indicators are mentioned with no clear actions, and 18 are not addressed in the eight policy documents that met our inclusion criteria. The large proportion of indicators absent from Burundi policy relate to availability, pricing and taxation, drinking-driving, taxation, and marketing. An absence of legislation to support existing policies, industry interference, corruption, and cultural norms around alcohol were identified as key barriers to implementation.


Conclusions: Burundi should enact laws to support existing policies and design regulations targeting marketing and advertising. Government and civil society coalitions should report and address any alcohol industry influence in policymaking and implementation.

How to Cite

Haragirimana, E., Mitchell, G., & Uny , I. (2024). Evaluating the progress of alcohol policies in Burundi against the WHO ‘best buy’ interventions: implications for public health. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 12(S1), S57–S70. https://doi.org/10.7895/ijadr.467


Special Issue: Alcohol Prevention Research and Policy Development in LMICs

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