During the study period, data for 471,299 patients diagnosed with breast cancer were extracted. Of these, 78,777 were eligible for the primary analyses, with 41,733 (53.0%) in the luminal-type group and 37,044 (47.0%) in the triple-negative group (Fig. 2).
The proportions of patients with unknown data, including missing data, were 25.0% in T factor, 5.8% in N factor, 6.3% in M factor, and 26.7% in the clinical stage groups (data not shown). Of the 37,044 patients in the triple-negative group, 27,278 (73.6%) patients had no pre- or postoperative therapy records, implying insufficient follow-up in this population (Online Resource 4).
The post hoc analyses using a revised study population generated using new eligibility criteria evaluated a total population of 42,636 surgical patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Of these, 32,133 patients (75.4%) were in the luminal-type group, and 10,503 (24.6%) were in the triple-negative group (Fig. 2). All the following results are from the post hoc analyses.
Table 1 summarizes the baseline characteristics of patients from the post hoc analysis population. In the overall luminal-type group (n = 32,133), patients had a median (min–max) age of 63 (19–100) years, and 26,679 (83.0%) and 5454 (17.0%) patients had clinical stage II and III breast cancer, respectively (Online Resource 5).
Table 1 Patient characteristics by new exclusion criteriaIn the luminal-type group, 13,526 (98.7%) patients received perioperative therapy, of whom 12,773 (94.4%) were treated with regimens including anthracyclines and/or taxane, in addition to endocrine therapy. In the triple-negative group, 5987 (57.0%) patients received perioperative chemotherapy, and of those, 5594 (93.4%) were treated with regimens including anthracyclines and/or taxane.
Patients who received chemotherapy, including anthracycline, taxane, or both, tended to be younger at a median (min–max) age of 54 (19–87) years than those who did not receive chemotherapy. Patients who underwent concurrent and sequential anthracycline + taxane regimens had median (min–max) ages of 53 (31–81) years and 53 (21–86) years, respectively. Patients undergoing only endocrine therapy had a median (min–max) age of 69 (23–100) years. Among patients undergoing chemotherapy including regimens with anthracycline, taxane, or both, anthracycline + taxane concurrent and sequential regimens, 44 (27.2%) and 2342 (31.5%) patients had clinical stage III disease, respectively. Among patients not receiving regimens with anthracycline or taxane 165 (21.9%) had clinical stage III disease.
In the overall triple-negative group (n = 10,503), the median (min–max) age of patients was 65 (23–100) years; 8363 (79.6%) had clinical stage II disease, while 2140 (20.4%) had clinical stage III disease (Table 1). Among patients receiving chemotherapy containing anthracycline, taxane, or both, anthracycline + taxane concurrent and sequential chemotherapy regimens had median (min–max) ages of 56 (32–85) and 57 (23–85) years, respectively (Online Resource 6). Among patients receiving concurrent (n = 70) or sequential (n = 3691) chemotherapy regimens with both anthracycline and taxane, 26 (37.1%) and 892 (24.2%) had clinical stage III disease, respectively (Online Resource 6).
Selection of preoperative and/or postoperative therapyIn the luminal-type group (n = 32,133), postoperative therapy alone was the most common treatment (24,590 patients [76.5%]). This was followed by 6917 patients (21.5%) who received both pre- and postoperative therapies and 219 patients (0.7%) who received only preoperative therapy (Fig. 3a). A total of 18,200 patients (56.6%) received endocrine therapy alone. Among the patients who received only preoperative therapy (n = 219), 121 (55.3%) patients were treated with endocrine therapy alone, and among those who received only postoperative therapy (n = 24,590), 16,150 (65.7%) patients were treated with endocrine therapy alone. In both pre- and postoperative therapy (n = 6917) chemotherapy regimens, anthracycline, taxane, or both tended to be more likely to be received as preoperative therapy than other regimens (preoperative in preoperative + postoperative: 4186 patients [60.5%]) (Fig. 3b).
Fig. 3Treatment pattern in perioperative anti-tumor therapy. a Proportion of patients for each perioperative therapy. b Proportion of patients with regimens during the perioperative period. c Proportion of patients with regimens including anthracycline, taxane, or both during the perioperative period. A anthracycline, T taxane
Among chemotherapy regimens including anthracycline, taxane, or both, anthracycline + taxane sequential regimens tended to be used as preoperative or postoperative therapy (preoperative only: 79/97 patients [81.4%], postoperative only: 3887/7895 patients [49.2%], and preoperative in preoperative + postoperative: 3216/4186 patients [76.8%]). When a regimen containing anthracycline, taxane, or both was selected as postoperative therapy in patients with both pre- and postoperative therapies (n = 6917), taxane only or anthracycline + taxane sequential regimens were more likely to be received as treatment (postoperative in preoperative + postoperative: taxane only, 434/906 patients [47.9%] and anthracycline + taxane sequential, 313/906 patients [34.5%]) (Fig. 3c).
In the triple-negative group (n = 10,503), 4516 patients (43.0%) had no record of either pre- or postoperative therapy (Fig. 3a). In total, 3327/10,503 patients (31.7%) received only postoperative therapy, followed by 1683/10,503 patients (16.0%) receiving only preoperative therapy, and 977/10,503 patients (9.3%) received both pre- and postoperative therapies. Regarding treatment patterns, chemotherapy regimens including anthracycline, taxane, or both were administered in about 90% or more of cases where pre- or postoperative therapy was received (preoperative only: 1667/1683 patients [99.0%], postoperative only: 2982/3327 patients [89.6%], and preoperative in preoperative + postoperative: 930/977 patients [95.2%]), whereas a regimen not containing anthracycline, taxane, or both was selected as postoperative therapy: 658/977 (67.3%) in triple-negative patients (Fig. 3b). When both pre- and postoperative therapies were received (n = 977), chemotherapy regimens without anthracycline or taxane were received as postoperative therapy in 658/977 patients (67.3%). Among patients receiving chemotherapy with anthracycline, taxane, or both, anthracycline + taxane sequential regimens were more likely to be selected as pre- or postoperative therapies than other regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both (preoperative only: 1369/1667 patients [82.1%]; postoperative only: 1766/2982 patients [59.2%]; and preoperative in preoperative + postoperative: 635/930 patients [68.3%]) (Fig. 3c). When regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both were used as postoperative therapy in patients with both pre- and postoperative therapies (319/977 [32.7%]), a regimen containing taxane only was received by a higher proportion of patients (224/319 [70.2%]).
Factors contributing to the prescription of regimens, including anthracycline, taxane, or bothTable 2 summarizes the ORs for receiving regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both. In the luminal-type group, patients ≥ 40 years of age were less likely to receive chemotherapy regimens including anthracycline, taxane, or both than patients < 40 years of age (number of patients, [%], OR [95% CI] < 40 years, 968/1381 patients [70.1%]; 40–49 years, 3733/6383, [58.5%], 0.62 [0.54–0.70]; 50–59 years, 3195/5624, [56.8%], 0.56 [0.49–0.63]; 60–69 years, 3417/7605, [44.9%], 0.33 [0.29–0.38]; and ≥ 70 years, 1460/10733, [13.6%], 0.06 [0.05–0.06]).
Table 2 Odds ratios for patients receiving regimens containing anthracycline and/or taxane in pre- or postoperative therapyPatients treated at facilities that were not cancer treatment centers (2044/6278 patients [32.6%]) tended to receive regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both less often than those in specialized cancer treatment centers (10,729/25,448 patients [42.2%]) (OR [95% CI] 0.65 [0.60–0.70]). Patients with clinical stage II (9467/26,341 patients [35.9%]) tended to be prescribed regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both less often than those with clinical stage III (3306/5385 patients [61.4%]) (OR [95% CI] 0.24 [0.22–0.25]).
In the triple-negative group, patients aged 60–69 years (1644/1718 [95.7%]) and ≥ 70 years (1062/1345 [79.0%]) tended to be prescribed regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both less often than those aged < 40 years (453/459 [98.7%]) (OR [95% CI] 0.30 [0.13–0.69] and 0.05 [0.02–0.12], respectively). In addition, patients treated at hospitals with capacities of < 200 beds (111/132 patients [84.1%]) less often received regimens including anthracycline, taxane, or both, compared with those treated at hospitals with capacities of 200–499 (2833/3052 patients [92.8%]) and ≥ 500 beds (2650/2803 patients [94.5%]) (ORs [95% CI] 1.77 [1.02–3.09] and 2.00 [1.10–3.64], respectively). Additionally, regimens containing anthracycline, taxane, or both were less likely to be administered in facilities that were not cancer treatment centers (918/1016 patients [90.4%]) than in those specializing in cancer treatment (4676/4971 patients [94.1%]) (OR [95% CI] 0.74 [0.55–0.99]).
Treatment duration for each treatment regimenFor regimens with anthracycline only and taxane only in the luminal-type group, the most common treatment duration was 6– < 10 weeks (anthracycline only, 592/1235 patients [47.9%]; taxane only, 2171/3279 patients [66.2%]). The most common duration for concurrent anthracycline + taxane treatment was 10– < 14 weeks (42/87 patients [48.3%]). For anthracycline + taxane sequential regimens, the most common treatment duration was 18– < 24 weeks (2679/4200 patients [63.8%]). In regimens not including anthracycline or taxane, 226/1275 patients (17.7%) had treatment durations of 2– < 6 weeks and 204/1275 patients (16.0%) had treatment duration of 6– < 10 weeks. When only endocrine therapy was received, 6636/21,431 patients (31.0%) and 7177/21,431 patients (33.5%) had treatment durations of 18– < 24 weeks and 24–28 weeks, respectively (Fig. 4a).
Fig. 4Proportion of patients in each category of treatment duration. Treatment duration was stratified into 0– < 2, 2– < 6, 6– < 10, 10– < 14, 14– < 18, 18– < 24, and 24–28 weeks from the first prescription date of initial adjuvant therapy to the date of death, the date of loss to follow-up of treatment regimen duration, the date of censoring at 30 September 2021, or the date of the prescription after 24 weeks, whichever occurred first. a Luminal-type, and b triple-negative group. A anthracycline, T taxane
For chemotherapy regimens with anthracycline only and taxane only in the triple-negative group, the most common treatment duration was 6– < 10 weeks (anthracycline only, 256/612 [41.8%] patients; taxane only, 425/861 patients [49.4%]). The most common treatment duration for the anthracycline + taxane concurrent regimen was 10– < 14 weeks (14/37 patients [37.8%]). For the anthracycline + taxane sequential regimen, 18– < 24 weeks treatment durations were the most common (1009/1791 patients [56.3%]). In regimens not including anthracycline or taxane, 253/1003 patients (25.2%) had treatment durations of 18– < 24 weeks, 187/1003 (18.6%) had treatment durations of 2– < 6 weeks, and 162/1003 (16.2%) had treatment durations of 6– < 10 weeks (Fig. 4b).
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