Treatment abandonment in children with Wilms tumor at a national referral hospital in Uganda

By following the SIOP protocol, survival rates for WT can be > 90%, especially for those with favorable histology or low-stage tumors (Tournade 2001). Treatment abandonment is therefore a source of preventable mortality and may contribute to the disparities in survival in LMICs. Our study was one of the first to report the proportion of surgical treatment abandonment in Uganda for patients with WT. Like other studies examining LMICs, we found that 45% of WT patients abandoned treatment in a tertiary hospital in Uganda [11, 12, 17,18,19]. In addition, our short-term mortality was 18.2% up to 6 weeks postoperatively, which did not account for long-term disease progression. Nevertheless, this mortality is still higher than in patients in HICs, which is consistently greater than 90% [3]. As a comparison, survival was reported in a systematic review of WT in Africa at 56.5% and a recent study from Southwestern Uganda demonstrated survival of 59% [19, 20].

In our study, the treatment phase when treatment abandonment occurred most frequently was during neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment and was associated with poor chemotherapy response and large tumors. Given these findings, it is likely that through the treatment course, if the treatment does not appear to lead to clinical improvement, patients and families may lose confidence in the treatment plan and see surgery as futile. In addition, poor response to treatment and negative treatment side effects may also result in mistrust towards the medical system, causing families to fall back on traditional remedies. To support this reasoning, previous studies have suggested that response to treatment and surgical wait times are critically important for treatment adherence in WT patients [21]. Therefore, it is critical to set expectations early for families about the likely side effects of chemotherapy, the typical surgical course, and the anticipated timing of surgery once chemotherapy is complete. Another study in Kenya reported that 63% of parents caring for WT patients misunderstood treatment plans, which was a risk factor for treatment abandonment [12]. Especially given the prior evidence demonstrating a link between parental education and abandonment [21], it is equally important to supplement such explanations with educational materials that are easy to understand and follow [17].

Previous evidence has also suggested that financial limitations to pay for medical care, transport, and accommodation are common factors associated with treatment abandonment in Sub Sahara Africa [12, 18, 22]. However, in our study, no significant differences existed in the distance traveled for care. Thus, contrary to previous evidence, this suggests that transportation cost was not a substantial barrier to receiving care. Furthermore, as our center is located at a public hospital, costs of specific oncologic services were typically covered, though patients often pay out-of-pocket due to medication and supply shortages, and still have to pay for indirect expenses such as transportation and accommodation. Multiple previous studies have suggested that coverage of treatment, travel, and associated costs (accommodation, hospital food) can significantly decrease treatment abandonment [23, 24]. Interventions shown to decrease treatment abandonment in these settings include the Wilms Africa Phase I study, a multicenter clinical trial that implemented uniform treatment guidelines and funding to cover treatment, travel, and associated costs, which reduced treatment abandonment from 23 to 12% (p = 0.001) and improved survival from 52 to 69% (p = 0.002) [23]. Similar interventions to promote treatment adherence could potentially be instituted within the Ugandan healthcare system with a locally driven approach.

One factor that we found to be protective against treatment abandonment was patients presenting with a primary complaint of abdominal swelling (75% of all patients). Notably, only 34% of patients presented with complaints of a discrete mass in the abdomen, which is a more typical presentation in other settings and often incidentally found on routine clinical examination [25]. The lower frequency of this finding may be due to the intermittent contact that children have with the healthcare system, as regular well-child checks, which are often done in HIC, are not routine. As a result, those patients who present with abdominal swelling may have a parent who is more attuned to the health condition of their child. As a result, this group may have a heightened level of care-seeking in diagnosis and subsequent surgery. Thus, one method for improving treatment adherence may be forming support groups and community outreach programs to connect parents from similar communities who have completed treatment with those who have not to broaden support systems for WT treatment.

19% of children in our study had unfavorable radiological findings, which is more than twice the prevalence in HICs (~ 7.5%) [26]. In addition, advanced disease (stage III or higher) was present in 72.6% of our patients, which is much higher than the 58% reported throughout Africa [19]. While a combination of delays in diagnosis and referrals in parents seeking health care likely contribute to these disease actors, it is also well-known that WT has a higher incidence and histologic grade in Africa [19, 26]. However, there has been little investigation into studying the genetic and molecular pathways that lead to such aggressive disease. This is despite the significant growth of targeted therapies for the oncologic disease under investigation in HICs. This strategy of incorporating immunotherapies into oncologic treatments helps to both reduce the toxicity of treatment and improve treatment response [2]. Given the known differences in WT in LMIC and HIC, a necessary step in the improvement of WT outcomes in LMIC is the investigation into the genetic factors that predispose children in our setting to higher rates of WT. This would likely not only improve outcomes but with decreased toxicity, also improve adherence to therapy. Further investigation into the tumor biology of WT in our setting is sorely needed and would likely save lives in both LMICs and in HICs. In addition, a routine biopsy of WT to ascertain favorable versus unfavorable biopsy may be helpful to counsel families and patients on their treatment course, set realistic expectations, and reduce treatment abandonment. However, in the LMIC setting, tissue diagnosis is limited by the resources available to obtain biopsies in the pre-treatment period, so judicious selection of patients in need of biopsies may be warranted (e.g. for those who have larger tumors but with an indolent course, suggesting favorable histology and therefore prognosis).

The limitations of this study included its retrospective and observational nature, such that measurements of risk factors and outcomes were limited to pre-existing data and may be subjected to confounding and missingness. Specifically, the study did not delve into the social determinants of health of the patients being treated, and how the family’s income, education level, or social support could influence their levels of treatment adherence. In addition, the small number of patients in each subgroup also limited the statistical analysis and precluded multivariate regression modeling. Furthermore, the short-term follow-up period limited the determination of long-term survival for WT in our setting. We also did not have consistent access to tumor histology or surgical pathology, which prevented risk-stratification of treatment abandonment based on pathologic aggressiveness.

Notably, a prior qualitative study in Malawi of caregivers of WT patients explored reasons for treatment abandonment through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. In this study, caregivers were burdened with financial costs, inadequate social support, fear of treatment complications, uncertainty of treatment rationale, and a reluctance to ask health personnel questions, all of which may contribute to treatment abandonment [27]. Another qualitative study from southwestern Uganda demonstrated that financial constraints, false perceptions of curative treatment or incurability, preference for alternative treatments that may have been driven by chemotherapy side effects were reasons that caregivers decided to abandon oncologic treatment for their children [28]. These findings may help guide an informed approach to mitigating treatment abandonment by addressing the caregivers’ perceived barriers to care. Further investigation needs to be tailored to those children treated for WT in Kampala, as prior studies are generalized to all pediatric cancers.

Therefore, the next steps for addressing treatment abandonment for WT patients in the Ugandan setting include a qualitative assessment of factors associated with abandonment through direct outreach to those families who abandoned treatment. In addition, funding for a local oncologic registry to allow for patients to be followed for 5 years after completion of therapy to understand the long-term outcomes for WT in our setting. Once the reasons for treatment abandonment have been further elucidated, recruitment of patient care coordinators who monitor treatment adherence and directly reach out to families when treatment is abandoned may be of significant help.

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