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PG, KM, HW, MW, SKA, RB and MS declare no competing interests.
Ethical approval and consent to participateEthics committee approval ref. no. BHR/RS/MSSH/DDF/SKT2/IEC/GASTRO/23–18) with waiver of consent.
Human ethicsThe study was done as per the ethical principles laid down by the declaration of Helsinki, 1964.
Consent for publicationEthics committee approval ref. no. BHR/RS/MSSH/DDF/SKT2/IEC/GASTRO/23–18) with waiver of consent.
DisclaimerThe authors are solely responsible for the data and the contents of the paper. In no way, the Honorary Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, the Indian Society of Gastroenterology or the printer/publishers are responsible for the results/findings and content of this article.
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