In this project, we sought to develop and implement pediatric anesthesia metrics into electronic health records (EHR) in a hospital setting to improve quality and safety of patient care. While there has been an upsurge in metric-driven health care, specific metrics catering to pediatric anesthesia remain lacking despite widespread use of EHR. The rapid proliferation and implementation of EHR presents opportunities to develop and implement metrics appropriate to local patient care, in this case pediatric anesthesia, with the strategic goal of enhancing quality and safety of patient care, while also delivering transparency in reporting of such metrics.
Clinical featuresUsing a quasi-nominal consensus group design, we collected requirements from attending anesthesiologists using Agile methodology. Forty-five metrics addressing quality of care (e.g., induction experience, anesthesia delivery, unanticipated events, and postanesthetic care unit stay) and provider performance (e.g., bundle-compliance, collaboration, skills assurance) were developed. Implementation involved integration into the EHR followed by transition from PDF-based feedback to interactive Power BI (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) dashboards.
ConclusionWe introduced and implemented customized pediatric anesthesia metrics within an academic pediatric hospital; however, this framework is easily adaptable across multiple clinical specialties and institutions. In harnessing data-collecting and reporting properties of EHR, the metrics we describe provide insights that facilitate real-time monitoring and foster a culture of continuous learning in line with strategic goals of high-reliability organizations.
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