Adult Development and Associated Health Risks



adult development; health; risks; aging; patient-centered care


Much has been learned about adult development in recent decades. Adults go through stages of development (emerging adulthood, young adulthood, middle adulthood, post-retirement, and very old age) with certain challenges at each stage. Viewing patients through a developmental lens is part of providing patient-centered care. Knowing the prominent issues, stressors, and risks at each stage of development is important in understanding patients. This knowledge can help customize medical advice to patients regarding obesity, disability, sleep, substance use, relationships, and age-related declines. This paper summarizes an updated view of adult development and discusses its relevance to health risks and patient-centered care practices at different stages. (J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2024;11:63-67.)

Recommended Citation

Halloran EC. Adult development and associated health risks. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2024;11:63-67. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.2050



April 14th, 2023

August 8th, 2023




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