Glass science behind lithium silicate glass-ceramics


Available online 5 April 2024

Dental MaterialsAuthor links open overlay panel, , , , , , , , AbstractObjectives

Lithium silicate-based glass ceramics have evolved as a paramount restorative material in restorative and prosthetic dentistry, exhibiting outstanding esthetic and mechanical performance. Along with subtractive machining techniques, this material class has conquered the market and satisfied the patients’ needs for a long-lasting, excellent, and metal-free alternative for single tooth replacements and even smaller bridgework. Despite the popularity, not much is known about the material chemistry, microstructure and terminal behaviour.


This article combines a set of own experimental data with extensive review of data from literature and other resources. Starting at manufacturer claims on unique selling propositions, properties, and microstructural features, the aim is to validate those claims, based on glass science. Deep knowledge is mandatory for understanding the microstructure evolution during the glass ceramic process.


Fundamental glass characteristics have been addressed, leading to formation of time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagrams, which are the basis for kinetic description of the glass ceramic process. Nucleation and crystallization kinetics are outlined in this contribution as well as analytical methods to describe the crystalline fraction and composition qualitatively and quantitatively. In relation to microstructure, the mechanical performance of lithium silicate-based glass ceramics has been investigated with focus on fracture strength versus fracture toughness as relevant clinical predictors.


Fracture toughness has been found to be a stronger link to initially outlined manufacturer claims, and to more precisely match ISO recommendations for clinical indications.


Lithium silicate

Glass ceramic



Residual stress

Flexural strength

Fracture toughness

Clinical indication

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Academy of Dental Materials.

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