Novacetimonas hansenii SI1, previously known as Komagataeibacter hansenii, produces bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) with unique ability to stretch. The addition of vitamin C in the culture medium increases the porosity of the membranes and their stretchability making them highly moldable. To better understand the genetic background of this strain, we obtained its complete genome sequence using a hybrid sequencing and assembly strategy. We described the functional regions in the genome which are important for the synthesis of BNC and acetan-like II polymer. We next investigated the effect of 1% vitamin C supplementation on the global gene expression profile using RNA sequencing. Our transcriptomic readouts imply that vitamin C functions mainly as a reducing agent. We found that the changes in cellular redox status are balanced by strong repression of the sulfur assimilation pathway. Moreover, in the reduced conditions, glucose oxidation is decreased and alternative pathways for energy generation, such as acetate accumulation, are activated. The presence of vitamin C negatively influences acetan-like II polymer biosynthesis, which may explain the lowered yield and changed mechanical properties of BNC. The results of this study enrich the functional characteristics of the genomes of the efficient producers of the N. hansenii species. Improved understanding of the adaptation to the presence of vitamin C at the molecular level has important guiding significance for influencing the biosynthesis of BNC and its morphology.
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