Flaps and Grafts in Robotic Reconstructive Surgery

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Tate SB, Blackwell L, Lorenz DJ, Steptoe MM, Culligan PJ. Randomized trial of fascia lata and polypropylene mesh for abdominal sacrocolpopexy: 5-year follow-up. Int Urogynecol J. 2011;22(2):137–43.

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•• Shoureshi PS, Dubinskaya A, Magner D, Eilber KS. Robotic sacrohysteropexy with concurrent rectopexy using fascia lata graft. Urology. 2023;173:228. This study demonstrates the use of a fascia lata graft for sacrohysteropexy for subjects desiring to retain their uterus with a video and demonstrates a single successful repair of prolapse.

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