Parabens and Pancreatic Cancer

Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy Vol. 12(1), pp. 61 - 65
DOI: 10.13189/app.2024.120107
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Lama Alloujami *, Sophie Barguil
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Damascus University, Syria


Background: Parabens (PBs) are one of the famous substances used as preservatives for a long time. New studies confirmed that PBs had an estrogen-mimicking effect, which may have an abnormal stimulating effect on cell proliferation and induction of cancer occurrence, particularly breast cancer by their binding of estrogen receptors. As known, estrogen receptors (ERs) are not confined to the breast; they are distributed in many parts of the body including pancreas. The purpose of this research is to investigate the presence of the three types of PBs that are currently used: methyl (MP), ethyl (EP), and propyl parabens (PP) in the samples of pancreatic cancer, which is considered one of the most dangerous cancers. Methods: 12 samples of pancreatic cancer were collected immediately after surgery and kept in -80℃ then PBs had been determined in samples by HPLC/MS. Results: All studied samples had PBs with a total mean (318.8±6.4) ng/g. According to the one sample t-test, clear statistical evidence links the presence of parabens in the studied samples and the incidence of pancreatic cancer. EP was the highest one, followed by MP then PP in samples. Conclusions: Since pancreas have estrogen receptors, and PBs mimic estrogen, and estrogen known by its role in pancreatic cancer, PBs which were detected in pancreas studied samples in very high concentration, may have a role in forming pancreatic cancer tumors by binding with estrogen receptors in pancreas. More studies might be done to understand PBs effecting mechanism in pancreas to determine if BPs may have an important effect in incitation abnormal production of these cells similarly as done in breast cancer cells by binding to ERs in these organs.

Parabens, Pancreas, Cancer, Estrogen, Estrogen Receptors

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Lama Alloujami , Sophie Barguil , "Parabens and Pancreatic Cancer," Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 61 - 65, 2024. DOI: 10.13189/app.2024.120107.

(b). APA Format:
Lama Alloujami , Sophie Barguil (2024). Parabens and Pancreatic Cancer. Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 12(1), 61 - 65. DOI: 10.13189/app.2024.120107.

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