Chapter Six - Substitution therapy for patients with alcohol dependence: Mechanisms of action and efficacy

Julien Guiraud is employed by Vergio, Clichy, France and was employed by D&A Pharma until March 2022.

Wim van den Brink reports personal fees from D&A Pharma, Kinnov Therapeutics, Bioproject, Lundbeck, Novartis, Indivior, Angelini, Mundipharma, Takeda, Opiant Inc, Recordati, Camurus, Novo Nordisk, and Clearmind Medicine.

Rainer Spanagel reported grants from Horizon 2020 program, Era-NET NEURON, BMBF, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and personal fees from EMCCDA and D&A Pharma.

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