Endoluminal and next generation robotics in colorectal surgery

Innovative approaches leverage cutting-edge technologies to advance the field of minimally invasive colorectal surgery. The implementation of complex endoluminal and transluminal procedures is challenging and requires extensive training. Recent technological advances not only enable improved detection of colorectal neoplasms with the support of computer science, but also enhanced surgical treatment with robotic instrumentation. Early diagnosis will revolutionize colorectal cancer treatment by avoiding surgery, as has been demonstrated in the treatment of early-stage gastric cancer using third-space endoscopy. Automated colorectal cancer screening with polyp detection and classification can change the therapeutic strategy and orient towards resection during endoscopy, including full-thickness resection, with endoscopic bimanual suturing to close the defect. Several therapeutic flexible endoscopic robotic systems are expected to provide surgery-like dexterity for endo- and transluminal approaches by enabling tissue triangulation while lowering the technical hurdles for endoscopic submucosal dissection and other highly sophisticated procedures such as endoscopic creation or revision of anastomoses. In the curvilinear anatomy of the colon and rectum, navigation assistance for improved spatio-temporal orientation will aid in the detection and documentation of lesions and facilitate their localization for excision and follow-up. Flexible robotic systems encourage surgeons as well as gastroenterologists to perform advanced intra- and transluminal resections.

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