The Adherence to Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT) is the first measure of adherence to exercise for MSK pain that was conceived by relevant stakeholders with adequate content and structural validity, internal consistency, test–retest reliability and measurement error.
HOW MIGHT IT IMPACT ON CLINICL PRACTICE IN THE FUTURE?The ability to measure exercise adherence for MSK pain will help clinicians measure their patient’s responses to exercise-based treatment and take the appropriate actions to improve outcomes. As a research tool, ATEMPT will enable the consistent evaluation of exercise interventions for MSK pain and strategies for improving exercise adherence.
IntroductionMusculoskeletal (MSK) pain is highly prevalent and burdensome globally.1 2 In a systematic review of interventions for MSK pain, exercise had the strongest evidence for reducing pain and improving function3 and is consistently recommended as a core treatment in international clinical guidelines.4–9 However, the average clinical effect sizes of exercise are often small compared with non-exercise controls and can diminish over time.10 This may be due to suboptimal levels of exercise adherence.11 Consequently, it is important to be able to measure exercise adherence in both clinical practice and research, using a measurement tool with adequate psychometric properties, including validity and reliability; that is, it should measure the construct it purports to measure, and the values obtained should have an acceptable level of measurement error.12 Five systematic reviews have established that there is currently no valid and reliable measure of exercise adherence for MSK pain.13–17 They highlighted current measurement inconsistency, with 234 methods, including 49 separate questionnaires identified in the literature.13 This may be due to the absence of an agreed definition of exercise adherence on which to develop a measure.18
Since the reviews, a self-report measure of exercise adherence has been developed, the Exercise Adherence Rating Scale (EARS), a 6-item self-report measure of adherence to exercise for any health condition, not specifically MSK pain.19 The EARS development study did not conceptualise or define exercise adherence at the outset but used focus groups with people with chronic low back pain and physiotherapists to develop the items. Eleven of the 15 items generated were found to be unsuitable for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) due to their high variance, suggesting the underlying construct of the measure was not well defined. When testing the EARS, questionnaires were issued to patients up to 6 weeks after treatment completion, increasing the likelihood of recall bias, and only 30 participants completed the retest questionnaire, fewer than recommended for assessing test–retest reliability.20 The measurement error and smallest detectable change (SDC) were also not calculated. As such, there remains no robust tool to assess adherence to exercise for MSK pain.
As a first step to robustly measure exercise adherence, we recently undertook a concept mapping study (involving the synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data from patients, physiotherapists and researchers) to conceptualise exercise adherence for MSK pain. Adherence was found to consist of six domains: communication with expert; targets; how exercise is prescribed; patient knowledge and understanding; motivation and support; and psychological approach and attitude.21
Building on these findings, we aimed to: (1) develop a new measure of adherence to exercise for MSK pain (ATEMPT) based on previously conceptualised domains of exercise adherence, (2) report the content and structural validity, internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and measurement error for the ATEMPT outcome measure in patients managed with exercise for MSK pain.
MethodsEquity, diversity and inclusion statementThe authors include three women, two men and consists of junior, mid-career and senior researchers from different disciplines from two countries. Our study population included different ages and genders. In discussing the generalisability of our results, we acknowledge that further research in different healthcare settings, including in other countries, and with participants exhibiting more varied ethnicity is warranted.
Development of the draft version of ATEMPTDuring our previous study,21 22 56 items across 6 domains of exercise adherence for MSK pain were identified as important for inclusion in a new measure. These 56 items were discussed for readability and comprehensibility within a patient and public involvement and engagement workshop, including 6 patients with MSK pain. Response options were also discussed and agreed. Following the workshop, 8 items were removed due to issues with comprehensibility and the remaining 48 items were coupled with a 5-option Likert response (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree).
The 48 items were further tested with 5 patients with MSK pain during pilot interviews to establish content validity (online supplemental file 1). This led to changes to three items (online supplemental file 2) resulting in the draft ATEMPT (online supplemental file 3).
Testing the draft version of ATEMPTThe draft ATEMPT, questions on personal characteristics, MSK pain, current exercise recommendation and a consent form for further contact, were included in a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of adults (aged 18 years and over) with MSK pain who had been recommended exercise at 1 of 11 physiotherapy clinics across 4 National Health Services (NHS) trusts in the Midlands region of England. This encompassed urban, suburban and rural areas. Questionnaires were distributed to current patients who met the inclusion criteria by clinic staff, as well as being advertised and made available in waiting areas between October 2019 and March 2020. Questionnaires were returned via post directly to the study team. A retest questionnaire (draft ATEMPT only) was posted to consenting participants immediately on receipt of the baseline questionnaire.
Sample sizeBased on the intended analysis method of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a minimum of 200 responses were required,23 with a further 100 responses to assess test–retest reliability via the retest questionnaire.23
ParticipantsAny adult aged 18 years or over that had been recommended exercise for any existing MSK pain as part of their physiotherapy treatment. Participants were required to be able to read and write in English.
Data entry and analysisData from returned questionnaires was manually entered into a customised Excel spreadsheet. Random samples of 1-in-10 participants’ data were checked by a second coder for accuracy. Due to the low number of missing values, an imputation method was used by calculating the mean item scores for the participant.24 25 Frequencies, means and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for participant demographics, exercise and MSK pain data, and for each item response. Ceiling and floor effects were considered present if more than 15% of participants achieved the lowest or highest score possible (48 or 240).26 The statistical analysis and presentation are consistent with the Checklist for statistical Assessment of Medical Papers.27
Item reductionItems with fewer than six responses were removed as they demonstrated low levels of variation and would be less useful to differentiate between responders.26 This decision was made pragmatically based on the results as it was not possible to model sparse data.28 In determining this cut-off point, consideration was given to the impact on the total number of items remaining, the number of items per domain, the SD of the individual items removed, and the conceptual content of the item removed.
Measurement property analysisThe following measurement properties identified by the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN)12 were assessed: structural validity—the degree to which the scores of a measure are an adequate reflection of the dimensionality of the construct of interest; internal consistency—how well the different questions measure the same construct; test–retest reliability—the reliability of the measure repeated at different times; and measurement error—the difference between the measured value and the true value.
Structural validityCFA was conducted on the items using an iterative process to establish the model with the best fit rather than confirming a single model’s fit. Models with one to eight factors were analysed as these had previously been identified via hierarchical clustering in the concept mapping study.21 The factor analysis used Multidimensional Item Response Theory29 via the Quasi-Monte Carlo Estimation Method30 using the graded response model31 as the item link and was undertaken in RStudio.32 The fit of the competing models was compared using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) along with interpretation of the loading values for each item. BIC is an estimate of a function of the probability of a model being the best fit, assuming such a model is among the available candidates.33 The lower the value of BIC, the better the data fit to the model. EFA was not used, as the factor structure was predetermined by the findings from the previous concept mapping study.21
Model fit statistics were calculated as recommended by COSMIN.12 These included root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), standardised root mean square residual (SRMSR), Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI). These values indicate the goodness of fit of the model, with acceptable values being: RMSEA<0.06, SRMSR<0.08, CFI>0.95 and TLI>0.95.34
Internal consistencyCronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated using the baseline data to determine internal consistency, with a minimum acceptable value being 0.7 and the maximum 0.9, as above this value it is perceived there is redundancy or duplication in the items.26
Test–retest reliabilityThe test–retest reliability of the measure was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) on data from participants who completed baseline and retest questionnaires. ICC was calculated by mean squares obtained through analysis of variance. A two-way mixed effect, single measurement, absolute agreement ICC model was used. The ICC values were interpreted according to published guidance for reliability at a group level rather than an individual level as individual patients are not normally compared with each other, and the SE of measurement (SEM) is a more useful value for clinicians.35 Values less than 0.5 indicate poor reliability, 0.5 to 0.75 moderate reliability, 0.75 to 0.9 good reliability and greater than 0.9 excellent reliability.36 The time between completion was calculated from consent form dates.
Measurement errorMeasurement error was assessed by calculating the SEM and SDC at an individual level. SEM was analysed using the following formula: SEM=SD × √(1 −ICC), in which SD. The SDC was analysed as follows: SDC=1.96 × √2 × SEM.20
ResultsA flow chart summarising each study phase is presented in figure 1.
Flow chart of the measurement property being assessed, participants involved and the number of items in Adherence to Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT).
Survey responseTwo thousand questionnaires were distributed, and 382 completed baseline questionnaires returned. A response rate could not be calculated as undistributed questionnaire packs could not be collected due to clinic closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retest questionnaire packs were posted to all 234 consenting participants, with 112 returned (48% response rate). The mean time between completion of the baseline and retest questionnaires was 17 days (SD=10, range 5–63).
Data integrityThe data entry error rate was ≤1%. There were 78 missing responses to items in the baseline questionnaire (0.4%) and 27 missing responses to items in the retest questionnaire (0.5%) (online supplemental file 4). Nine of the 382 respondents (2.4%) achieved the highest score possible (240), no respondents received the lowest possible score (48); consequently, no floor or ceiling effects were observed.
Participant demographicsMost participants were female (66.4%) with the most common age range 66–75 years (31.7%). The majority were white (90.6%) and half were retired (50%). The average pain intensity score was 5.25 out of 10 (SD 2.48), the knee was the most common site of pain (35.3%) and 34.3% of participants had experienced their symptoms for over 2 years. Joint-specific exercises, such as strengthening and stretching, were the most common kind of exercise recommended (90.8%) and 2–6 weeks the most common duration since the exercise recommendation (46.3%) (table 1).
Table 1Participant characteristics
Item reductionThe mean baseline score for all participants for 48 items was 197 (SD 23, range 123–240). Thirteen items with fewer than six responses in the response categories ‘strongly disagree’ or ‘disagree’ were removed. These items were also the only ones to have a SD of less than 0.7 (online supplemental file 4).
Structural validityCFA was conducted on the remaining 35 items using factor structures of 1–8 previously identified in the concept mapping study21 (online supplemental file 5). The BIC value was smallest for the one factor solution (24 258.93) (online supplemental file 6).
Internal consistencyAlthough a one factor structure was identified as the best fit, it was felt that to maintain content validity, the final measure should contain items representative of the six domains of exercise adherence previously identified by stakeholders.21 To achieve this while also assessing reliability, 6-item, 12-item and 18-item measures were created by selecting the items with the highest factor loadings (on the unidimensional model) from each of the 6 domains (online supplemental file 7). Consequently, the measures contained the 6, 12 or 18 items that best correlated (as determined by CFA) with each of the six domains of exercise adherence. This allowed for the shortest measure to be identified exhibiting satisfactory levels of reliability while retaining content from all six domains. Cronbach’s alpha values and model fit statistics for the three measures are presented in table 2. Figure 2 shows a patch diagram of the 6-item tool with loadings and variance explained for each item.
Table 2Cronbach’s alpha values and model fit statistics for the 6-item, 12-item and 18-item versions of Adherence to Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool
Patch diagram of the 6-item Adherence to Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT).
Test–retest reliabilityICC values for the three measures are presented in table 3.
Table 3Intraclass correlation coefficient values and means scores for the 6-item, 12-item and 18-item measures
Measurement errorMeasurement error for the three measures is presented in table 4. For the 12-item and 18-item versions, the point estimate and CIs were scaled down (divided by 2 and 3, respectively), to account for the increased maximum possible scores.
Table 4SE of measurement (SEM) and smallest detectable change (SDC) at an individual level for the 6-item, 12-item and 18-item versions of the measure (min–max scores for each measure)
DiscussionThe 6-item version of the measure shown in figure 3, and online supplemental file 8, was shown to have acceptable model fit statistics and preferable internal consistency, while demonstrating similar acceptable levels of test–retest reliability and measurement error as the 12-item and 18-item versions when examined in patients recommended exercise for MSK pain. As a shorter measure is less burdensome for patients, the 6-item version is the preferable version of ATEMPT. ATEMPT is scored by summing all responses as follows: strongly disagree=1, disagree=2, neither agree nor disagree=3, agree=4, strongly agree=5. The total score is therefore between 6 and 30 with a change in score of 4 or more required to indicate a change beyond measurement error. ATEMPT is suitable for further psychometric testing, to include responsiveness and construct validity via hypothesis testing.
The final 6-item Adherence To Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT).
The structural validity, internal consistency and measurement error of ATEMPT were tested using data from 382 patients, 112 of these were also used to assess the test–retest reliability. The patients were all recommended exercise for MSK pain at 11 NHS physiotherapy clinics. CFA established that ATEMPT functions as a unidimensional measure of exercise adherence. However, the items retain the original six-domain conceptualisation of exercise adherence to ensure content validity.21 The mean time between completion of the baseline and retest questionnaires (17 days) was considered short enough to expect the participants’ exercise adherence to be similar at the two timepoints,37 with time being considered the most appropriate indicator of adherence stability based on existing research.10
Clinical and research implicationsThe structural validity assessment of ATEMPT indicates that its score is an adequate reflection of the dimensionality of the construct of interest12 (exercise adherence for MSK pain as described in our development study21). Furthermore, the good internal consistency (0.85) suggests that all items are measuring this construct. The SDC of 3.77 indicates that a change in ATEMPT score of 4 or more out of a possible maximum of 30, represents a change greater than measurement error. The test–retest reliability of ATEMPT is good, meaning it should measure adherence consistently. ATEMPT would therefore be suitable for monitoring a patient’s adherence to their exercise recommendations during a course of treatment, whether that be in a clinical setting or as part of a research study. A reduction in ATEMPT scores may reflect reduced exercise adherence, which could indicate a patient is not adhering to their exercise programme as well as they were. This might help to identify patients who may benefit from adherence enhancing strategies, such as goal setting38 or to consider alternate treatment plans. In a research setting, changes in ATEMPT scores when interpreted with additional patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for pain and functional outcomes, may assist researchers in interpreting whether differences between patient groups are due to adherence levels or other variables, such as treatment efficacy. This would reduce the potential for incorrectly concluding lack of effectiveness of exercise interventions that is actually due to declining adherence levels. ATEMPT would also facilitate the comparison of interventions designed to improve exercise adherence due to the current lack of consistency in adherence measurement.
Strengths and limitationsThis study had a number of strengths; the study builds on the first conceptualisation of adherence specific to exercise for MSK pain.21 The study used data obtained from multiple physiotherapy clinics in the UK, incorporating diverse areas from urban to rural. The population included patients with a diverse range of ages, MSK pain location, duration and intensity. Participants had been recommended a variety of exercises over a range of time periods. Furthermore, combining the results of the previous concept mapping study21 with CFA, meant potential models were derived directly from the stakeholders’ conceptualisation of adherence, thereby, arguably enhancing the validity of the models and subsequent tool. Finally, in addition to its favourable measurement properties, ATEMPT demonstrates good utility; with only six items, it can be completed quickly and easily.
However, a number of limitations need to be taken into consideration. It is possible that patients who were willing to respond to the survey were also more likely to have completed their exercises. This may have been a source of sampling bias, as patients who were less likely to have adhered to their exercises may have responded differently, meaning that some or all the 13 items removed due to low response rates would have been retained for CFA.
No additional PROMs measuring pain or disability were used in conjunction with ATEMPT. This was because the variety of MSK pain presentations included in the study would make selecting appropriate PROMs difficult and additional questionnaires may have led to reduced participation due to participant burden. Consequently, future studies should assess the responsiveness (including the minimally important difference) and construct validity of ATEMPT via hypothesis testing using expected correlates with exercise adherence in an independent sample using longitudinal research designs.
As there is no available method for ensuring adherence stability, it was not possible to guarantee the participants’ stability during the period between the test and retest questionnaires; however, time has been shown to be the most appropriate indicator of adherence stability based on existing research.10 Future studies should attempt to control for clinical stability in participants when assessing test–retest reliability. Future comparison of the EARS and ATEMPT measures may also be useful to explore overlap and progress testing in this area.
ConclusionATEMPT is a unidimensional measure that contains six items from the six domains of exercise adherence. ATEMPT demonstrates adequate content and structural validity, acceptable internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, satisfactory measurement error and is the only measure of exercise adherence to be based on a conceptualisation of the construct from the perspective of relevant stakeholders. It is therefore suitable to measure patient’s adherence to exercise for MSK pain but should undergo additional testing to further establish the construct validity and responsiveness.
Data availability statementData are available upon reasonable request. Keele University is a member of the UK Reproducibility Network and committed to the principles of the UK Concordat on Open Research Data. The School of Medicine has a longstanding commitment to sharing data from our studies to improve research reproducibility and to maximise benefits for patients, the wider public, and the health and care system. Deidentified individual participant data (IPD) that underlie the results from this study are securely stored on servers approved by a government-backed cyber security scheme and made available to bona-fide researchers upon reasonable request via our controlled access procedures. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, data will be available upon publication of main study findings or within 18 months of study completion (whichever is earlier) and with no end date. Data requests and enquiries should be directed to We encourage collaboration with those who collected the data, to recognise and credit their contributions. The data generated from this study will remain the responsibility of the Sponsor. Release of data will be subject to a data use agreement between the sponsor and the third party requesting the data. Deidentified IPD will be encrypted on transfer.
Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot applicable.
Ethics approvalThis study involves human participants and was approved by London, Surrey Research ethics committee, the Health Research Authority (HRA) and Health and Care Research in Wales (HCRW) approved the study (REC Reference: 19/LO/0903; IRAS Reference: 257591), July 2019. Participants gave informed consent to participate in the study before taking part.
AcknowledgmentsDr Kirstie Haywood, Warwick Research in Nursing, Warwick Medical School, Warwick University, for her contribution to the methodological design of the study.
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