Artificial intelligence in pediatric surgery

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of machines or computer systems to perform tasks and make decisions that typically require human intelligence. AI systems are designed to simulate human cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding.1 They achieve this by processing large volumes of data, recognizing patterns, and using algorithms to make predictions or take actions. This is particularly useful in pediatric surgery's uniquely diverse population and needs where the power of AI can help data mine nonlinear correlations in patient data efficiently and personalize the treatment of this patient population. The marriage of AI and surgery represents a groundbreaking synergy that has the potential to redefine the landscape of medical and surgical practice.

Just as the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries drove one of the largest historical transformations in economic growth, technological and medical advancements, AI is poised to be the next great catalyst in societal development, increasing production efficiency, and reshaping the labor force. The integration of AI into surgical practice holds profound implications for healthcare. Surgery, once characterized solely by the dexterity of surgeons, is now a complicated orchestra of knowledge assimilation, tactful patient work-up and diagnosis formation, skillful technical maneuvering in the operating room, and creative utilization of advanced technology. The last of which now is beginning to incorporate AI to empower surgeons with tools to make more accurate diagnoses, plan surgeries with greater precision, and execute procedures with an increasing level of accuracy.

AI's ability to process vast datasets, analyze complex medical images, and perform real-time monitoring during surgery has the potential to revolutionize the way operations including pediatric surgeries are planned and executed. It offers solutions to longstanding challenges in the field, such as reducing the risk of human error, enhancing the personalization of treatment plans, and improving patient safety.

As technology continues its relentless march forward, the incorporation of AI in pediatric surgery is not just a possibility but a burgeoning reality. We hereby explore the transformative impact of AI technology on the field of surgery and pediatric surgery, ushering in an era of precision, efficiency, and improved patient outcomes.2 We will explore the historical origins of AI, different types of AI, its present applications in pediatric surgery, challenges and limitations, ethical and legal considerations, and potential future developments.

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