Background: Management for pelvic floor disorders needs to be improved. Plateletrich plasma (PRP) offers an innovative treatment in general medical care to promote cell regeneration.
Objective: This review aims to investigate the role of PRP in pelvic floor disorders.
Materials and Methods: 6 international databases were accessed using several keywords namely PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, ProQuest, Google Scholar, and Scopus. The inclusion criteria were articles written in English, published in 10-yr period from 2012 until 2022, and investigated the relevant topic. This systematic review followed PRISMA guideline.
Results: 644 articles were found in several databases and 15 articles met the criteria. Management for pelvic floor disorders needs to be improved, but there are still many challenges, such as less effective treatments, risk of recurrence, and postoperative wound healing. PRP offers an innovative treatment in general medical care to promote cell regeneration. A total of 644 articles from the database were found, but 15 studies met the criteria. A total of 600 women with various pelvic floor disorders treated with PRP were analyzed. PRP positively impacts female sexual dysfunction, perineal trauma, vulvovaginal atrophy, stress urinary incontinence, vesicovaginal fistula, perineal rupture, and pelvic organ prolapse. Dosages, preparation techniques, injection techniques, and additive materials are varied. Most studies do not report side effects from the therapy, but the urinary disorder complaints must be paid attention to.
Conclusion: PRP can be used to manage pelvic floor disorders. Future studies should clarify and standardize the dose in each case and how to make PRP produce the best results.
Key words: Platelet-rich plasma, Pelvic floor disorders, Women.
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