Contributions of Dr. Wick to the pathology of diseases of the lung and pleura

The world of surgical pathology is rapidly changing, and we are amid a transition between one era and another. The time of the generalist is rapidly waning, as we have gradually transitioned during this generation to subspecialty sign out in surgical pathology. It is remarkable, nonetheless, that there are still members of my generation of pathologists who have the sufficient experience, expertise and bandwidth to be regarded as outstanding general surgical pathologists and whose opinion is sought out by both experts and general pathologists alike on a broad range of topics. Mark R. Wick, M.D., is one of the rare examples of that breed of pathologists. I've had the distinct honor of being asked to write this article on Dr. Wick's contributions to pulmonary and pleural pathology. Going through his curriculum vitae and list of publications is like reading an encyclopedia of pathology, his contributions are as diverse as they are many. But in the area of pulmonary pathology, Mark has clearly stood out as a major player in the field and as one of the most influential and original authors through his many seminal contributions. I would like to recount here the various areas in which he has contributed to advance our knowledge and understanding in this field in the areas of transplant pathology and tumors of the lung and pleura.

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