Spinal mitochondrial-derived peroxynitrite enhances neuroimmune activation during morphine hyperalgesia and antinociceptive tolerance: Erratum

It was brought to our attention that the Western blot images for nitrated MnSOD in Figure 3A and p-p38 Figure 5B were identical. Upon reviewing our data, we found there was indeed an inadvertent duplication of the Western blot image for nitrated MnSOD into Figure 5B for p-p38 that went unnoticed during submission and proofing. We verified that the densitometric data, statistics and actin image were correct in the original publication. The only error was the p-p38 image. Please see below a new corrected Figure 5 that contains the proper image for p-p38 in Figure 5B. All the original raw data for this figure are available if necessary.

F5Figure 5.:

The spinal peroxynitrite (PN) pathway is required for activation of mitogen activating protein kinases (MAPK) signaling pathways. Chronic morphine (Veh-Mor) was associated with a significant increase in phosphorylation of both extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 subunits 42 and 44 (A) and p38 MAPK (B) compared with rats receiving daily subcutaneous saline (Veh-Sal). Daily intrathecal MnTnHex-2-PyP5+ (0.1 nmol/d; MnTnHex-2-PyP-Mor) (A, B) attenuated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38. Results are expressed as mean ± SD for n = 5 animals. Composite densitometric analyses for gels of proteins of 5 rats are expressed as %β-actin. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance with the Dunnett post hoc test. *P < .001 vs Veh-Sal; †P < .001 vs Veh-Mor.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused to PAIN and its readers.

. Little JW, Cuzzocrea S, Bryant L, Esposito E, Doyle T, Rausaria S, Neumann WL, Salvemini D. Spinal mitochondrial-derived peroxynitrite enhances neuroimmune activation during morphine hyperalgesia and antinociceptive tolerance. PAIN 2013;154:978–986.

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