Annual report of the Japanese Breast Cancer Registry for 2019

Conflict of interest

MM, HK, NN, MN, NH, MT and SS have received honorariums as speakers or consultant/advisory roles from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., MM, NN, MN, NH, MT and SS from AstraZeneca, MM, NN, MN, NH, MT and SS from Eli Lilly, MM, NN, MN, NH, MT and SS from Pfizer Co. Ltd. MM, NN, MN, MT and SS from MSD, MM, MN, NH, MT and SS from Taiho, MM, NN, MN, NH, MT and SS from Daiichi Sankyo, MM, MN, NH, MT and SS from Eisai, MN, NH, MT and SS from Novartis, MN, MT and SS from Kyowa-Kirin, MN from Myriad genetics and Denka, NH, MT from Exact Science, MT from Devicore Medical Japan, Yakult, Sysmex, Takeda, Shimadzu and Nippon Kayaku, SS from Takeda, Ono and Nippon Kayaku. HK reports receiving consultation fee from EPS Corporation. HK and NK are affiliated with the Department of Healthcare Quality Assessment at the University of Tokyo, a social collaboration department supported by the National Clinical Database, Johnson & Johnson K.K., Nipro corporation, and Intuitive Surgical Sàrl. NN has grants or contracts from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Pfizer, Eisai, Mochida, Daiichi Sankyo and Novartis. TK has grants outside the submitted work from Pfizer Co. Ltd, Kanzawa Medical Research Foundation and Japan Kampo Medicines Manufacturers Association. MT has grants or contracts from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Pfizer, JBCRG assoc., Eisai, Daiichi Sankyo, Astellas, Yakult, AFI technology, Shionogi, Sanwa Shurui, Takeda, Taiho, KBCRN assoc., Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Shimadzu, Nippon Kayaku, Luxonus, GL Science and participates on a Data Safety Monitoring Board or Advisory Board of Daiichi Sankyo, Eli Lilly, BMS, Athenex Oncology, Bertis, Terumo, Kansai Medical Net. SS has grants or contracts from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Eisai, Daiichi Sankyo, Takeda, Taiho, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca and participates on a Data Safety Monitoring Board or Advisory Board of Chugai/Roche, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Kyowa Kirin, Daiichi Sankyo and MSD.

Ethical approval

This article does not contain any studies with animals performed by any of the authors. All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.

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