Predicting and optimising risks for non-hepatic surgery in patients with cirrhosis: insights from the #FGDebate

The Frontline Gastroenterology Twitter-debate (#FGDebate) in April 2023 focused on risks of non-hepatic surgery in patients with cirrhosis and was based on the BSG and BASL guidelines.1 The event generated 186 tweets and >292 000 impressions.

The debate kicked-off with a case presentation, followed by discussion on prognostic scores for estimating surgical risks. Among online participants, 53.2% chose the Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) or Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) scores for risk prediction. Other scores chosen included the VOCAL-Penn Score2 (26.2%), Mayo Surgical Score3 (16.3%) and Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) (4.3%). Most respondents chose CTP or MELD as these were familiar and tried-and-tested. However, neither CTP or MELD truly assesses the presence or severity …

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