Development of a Digital Storytelling Intervention to Increase Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Hispanic/Latino Community: a Qualitative Evaluation

Digital storytelling (DST) interventions may be one way to address disparities in cancer screening experienced by the Hispanic/Latino population. Digital stories are short, first-person narratives that include voice-over narration and images. With storytellers’ permission, researchers can screen digital stories as a health intervention. Digital stories can inspire viewers to adopt or change their behavior, such as completing cancer screening. Rochester Healthy Community Partnership (a 20-year community-based participatory research partnership) together with eight Hispanic/Latino, Spanish speaking cancer survivors, co-survivors, or recently screened individuals, developed digital stories about breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening. Here, we describe our qualitative evaluation of the DST workshop. To understand what the storytellers thought viewers would find relatable in their digital stories, we applied Narrative Theory. We also assessed workshop successes and opportunities for improvement. We used the constant comparative method for data analysis. We learned that the storytellers anticipated their stories would be engaging and that viewers would connect with Hispanic/Latino cultural values. During the workshop, the storytellers felt like they were making an important contribution. The storytellers highlighted specific opportunities for improvement including sharing the stories more quickly after the workshop. Future research is needed to test whether this intervention follows the Narrative Theory causal pathway by persuading viewers to complete recommended cancer screenings.

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