Implant-supported single crowns with hybrid abutments show favorable short-term clinical outcomes.

Selection Criteria: Besides a manual search of the bibliographies of all included studies and relevant systematic reviews for additional reports, an electronic search was conducted in 5 databases: PubMed, MEDLINE via Ovid, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of Science. The last search was conducted on May 17, 2022. Inclusion criteria encompassed studies that utilized a screw-retained hybrid abutment crown and involved human subjects in randomized clinical trials, controlled clinical trials, prospective or retrospective cohort studies, or case series with a minimum of 10 subjects. The studies needed a follow-up period of at least 12 months after prosthesis delivery and a report on either biological or technical clinical outcomes. Conversely, the exclusion criteria involved studies focusing solely on multiunit or full-arch implant-supported fixed dental prostheses, cement-retained implant-supported single crowns, angulated screw channels not requiring cement for assembly, one-piece zirconia abutments, customized titanium abutments, or prefabricated titanium abutments customized for the mucosal or cervical region. Studies that lacked details regarding the prosthesis, outcomes, or follow-up duration were also excluded. Furthermore, studies utilizing pooled data to report outcomes of different restoration designs and materials and case reports, abstracts, protocols, in vitro studies, book sections, conference proceedings, and reviews were excluded.

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