Administrative data from health insurance claims have traditionally been the backbone for the majority of pharmacoepidemiologic research. A key limitation of claims data is their inability to capture granular clinical information. To address this limitation, large scale efforts to link claims databases to electronic health records (EHR) are underway, for instance, in the FDA Sentinel Initiative. These linked data capture more detailed information related to clinical parameters such as laboratory tests, vital signs and physician assessments, which can enhance confounding capture and adjustment in estimation of treatment effects.1 However, in EHR such covariates are often observed only in selected patients included in an analytic cohort which challenges the statistical analysis of the data.
Common missing data taxonomies such as missingness patterns2 and mechanisms3,4 have been proposed to describe missing data. Although the true underlying missingness generating mechanism cannot be inferred from the observed data, general frameworks5–7 have given recommendations on how missing data may be characterized empirically. However, limited attention has been paid within existing frameworks to factors that are salient to partially observed confounder information in inferential studies of treatment effects using routinely collected healthcare data. Examples of such factors include the assumed relationship among a partially observed confounder, its missingness generating process and a given exposure-outcome effect,8 as well as the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects (HTE) across levels of the partially observed confounder,9 and the availability of auxiliary covariates correlated with the partially observed confounder.10
In this study, we sought to (i) develop a principled approach to empirically characterize missing data processes for partially observed EHR confounders and (ii) investigate the comparative performance of several analytic methods under various missingness scenarios using the plasmode simulation framework.
MethodsThe data generation is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Illustration of plasmode data generating process.
Abbreviations: COI, Confounder of interest; DPP-4, dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP4i) inhibitor; MCAR, Missing completely at random; MAR, Missing at random; MNAR (unmeasured), Missing not at random; missingness depends on an unmeasured confounder; MNAR (value), Missing not at random; missingness depends on the value of the confounder of interest itself; SGLT-2, sodium-glucose-cotransporter-2 (SGLT2i).
Data Sources and Study Population for Plasmode Data GenerationAs the basis for our plasmode data generation,11 we used an empirical cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes who were new-users of either a sodium-glucose-cotransporter-2 (SGLT2i) or dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP4i) inhibitor (exposure). The empirical cohort was identified using data from the Mass General Brigham Research Patient Data Registry EHR in Boston12 linked with Medicare fee-for-service claims data from 2012–2019. The EHR data contain information on patient demographics, medications, vital signs, smoking status, body mass index (BMI) and laboratory data. The Medicare claims data include enrollment files, inpatient claims, outpatient claims, and Part D (prescription drug coverage) files.
We defined the date of the first dispensing of either a SGLT2i or a DPP4i using Part D claims as the index date on which follow-up started. Covariates were measured in a 180-day window prior to the index date. The outcome was defined as the time to major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), a composite endpoint that included myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization for heart failure or death. The follow-up time was calculated from the index date until the occurrence of the event or censoring (ie, disenrollment, end of follow-up at 365 days after the index date or end of study period on Dec 31st, 2019), whichever was first (details see Supplementary Figure 1).
Based on this empirical cohort, containing information on all study variables of interest, we derived three sub-cohorts with complete information on hemoglobin a1c (HbA1c) lab values, BMI, and smoking, respectively (complete cohorts). These three covariates served as the confounder of interest (COI) for the simulation.
Plasmode Data GenerationThe plasmode simulation setup followed the framework described in detail by Franklin et al.11 In brief, we first identified 25 prognostic covariates, other than the COI, covering information on each patient’s demographics, comorbidities, co-medications, and healthcare utilization. Henceforth, these covariates are referred to as C1 covariates (Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1) while all remaining covariates are referred to as C0 or auxiliary covariates (Supplementary Table 2). The C1 covariates were fitted with the exposure (SGLT2i vs DPP4i) and the COI using a multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression to model the empirical outcome and censoring events in the respective complete cohorts. Next, we used the resulting parameter estimates to define the event-free and censoring survival functions. To predict event and censoring times for all patients given their C1 covariate values, we extracted the Breslow estimates of the baseline event-free survival and baseline censoring survival functions and additionally recorded the vector of estimated coefficients from these models. We then injected the desired investigator-defined null treatment effect estimate for the SGLT2 vs DPP4i exposure by replacing the estimated coefficient for the treatment effect with the desired null treatment effect (log hazard ratio [HR]true = 0).13 In the final step, the baseline event-free survival function was adjusted to get the desired event-rate, and a censored time-to-event outcome was generated for each patient as the minimum between the predicted event time and censoring time.14 C0 covariates had no direct association with the outcome;, but as the plasmode framework preserves empirical correlations between variables, they may be indirectly associated with the outcome depending on their strength of correlations with C1 covariates.
Table 1 Overview of All Plasmode Simulation Parameters. In a First Step, Complete Plasmode Datasets with a Known Underlying Outcome-Generating Model Were Simulated Using an Empirical Exposure, Some Fully Observed Prognostic Factors (C1) and a Confounder of Interest (COI) That Missingness Was Subsequently Imposed on. For Each COI, 200 Plasmode Datasets Were Generated. The Simulated Missingness-Generating Models for the COIs Followed Four Different Missingness Mechanisms in Which the Missing Probability Was the Same for Each Patient (MCAR), Dependent on Observed C1 Covariates (MAR), Dependent on an Unmeasured Confounder (MNAR [Unmeasured]) or Dependent on the COI Itself (MNAR [Value]), Respectively. Besides the COI and the Underlying Missingness Mechanisms, Other Simulation Parameters That Were Altered Involved the Proportion of Missingness That Was Imposed on the COI, the Covariates Included in the Imputation Model and the Presence of Exposure Treatment Effect Modification by the COI
For each COI complete cohort, we performed a resampling with replacement to arrive at 100 simulated plasmode datasets of 1000 patients each. For the BMI and smoking plasmode datasets, the resampling was stratified on levels of exposure and COI to retain the same distribution among these strata as in the original complete cohorts.
We repeated this procedure for each COI complete cohort to additionally simulate HTE by including an interaction term between the COI and the exposure.
Missingness GenerationTo simulate missingness across all generated plasmode datasets, we followed the methodology described by Schouten and Vink.17,18 To illustrate our assumed causal relationships between missingness with exposure, outcome, C1 covariates and COI, we provide M-graphs for each simulated scenario (Figure 2).8,9,19,20
Figure 2 M-graphs depicting structural missing data assumptions and simulated mechanisms. (a) Missing completely at random: MCAR, (b) Missing at random: MAR), (c) Missing not at random, missingness depends on an unmeasured confounder: MNAR(unmeasured) and d) Missing not at random, missingness depends on the value of the confounder of interest itself: MNAR(value). (Notation: C1 = Fully observed C1 confounders used in outcome generation, COI = Confounder of interest [HbA1c, BMI, Smoking], COI_obs = observed portion of COI, E = Exposure, M = Missingness of COI with M=0 fully observed and M=1 fully missing, Y = Outcome).
Missing completely at random – MCAR: Under a MCAR mechanism, the missingness is independent of any observed or unobserved covariates. Hence, in our simulation, all patients had the same probability of having an unobserved COI. Missing at random – MAR: A MAR mechanism is characterized by the missingness of the COI being dependent on one or multiple observed covariates. To simulate MAR, we calculated a weighted sum score for each patient. The weighted sum score was derived using a multivariable linear regression using all C1 covariates as predictors with each covariate contributing the same weight. Patients with a higher weighted sum score were more likely to have an unobserved value for the COI. Missing not at random – MNAR (unmeasured): The first MNAR scenario assumed that the missingness of the COI is dependent on an unmeasured confounder. To simulate MNAR (unmeasured), missingness was generated to be solely dependent on a single continuous C1 covariate (exemplified by age in our study), ie, patients with a higher age were more likely to be missing. In contrast to a MAR mechanism, however, age was treated as “unmeasured” by subsequently dropping it from all following analyses. Missing not at random – MNAR (value): The second MNAR mechanism assumed that the missingness of the COI is dependent on the value of the COI itself. That is, for example, patients with a higher level of HbA1c were more like to have HbA1c unobserved.For all assumed missingness mechanisms, we altered the missingness proportion between 10% and 50%. Further details on the missingness simulation are provided in the Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Table 3.
Missingness Diagnostics to Characterize Missing Data ProcessesWe employed three group diagnostics and evaluated their ability to differentiate and characterize different missingness mechanisms (Table 2).
Table 2 Diagnostics to Empirically Differentiate and Characterize Missing Data Mechanisms. The Three Group Diagnostics are Composed of Analytic Models and Tests That Contextualize and Provide Information to Differentiate and Characterize Potentially Underlying Missingness Mechanisms
Group 1 diagnostics investigated differences in the distribution of characteristics between patients with and without an observed value of the COI. We hypothesized that if missingness can be explained by observed covariates such as in the MAR mechanism, patient characteristics will significantly differ. To evaluate such differences, we computed the median absolute standardized mean difference (ASMD) across all observed variables between patients with and without an observed COI value. Analogous to balance measures in propensity score analysis23 or randomized trials,24 we considered an ASMD > 0.1 as indicative of a meaningful difference between cohorts. In addition, we applied Hoteling’s21 and Little’s22 tests, which have been proposed as formal hypothesis tests for MCAR. For both tests, high test statistics and a rejection of the null hypothesis would provide evidence for differences in the distribution of patient characteristics and suggest the underlying mechanism is not MCAR or MNAR.
Group 2 diagnostics assessed the ability to predict missingness based on observed covariates by fitting a classification model to predict the missingness indicator M of the COI with M=1 being missing and M=0 being observed.7 To that end, we fit a random forest (RF) classification model using observed covariates with a 70/30 train-test split of the complete cohort. A sufficiently high area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) metric of the test dataset may demonstrate that M can be predicted well and could point towards MAR as a likely mechanism as opposed to an AUC~0.5 which would suggest MCAR or MNAR. It is generally important to check for potential monotone missing data patterns when missingness is multivariate,25 as otherwise the group 2 diagnostics could lead to inflated AUC values when the missingness indicator of one partially observed covariate is a perfect predictor for another. In such a case, it would be rather advisable to perform the missingness diagnostics in the absence of the correlated partially observed covariates. However, since we aimed to investigate the influence of different COI variable types on the performance of the missingness diagnostics, this was not applicable in this simulation.
Group 3 diagnostics evaluated the association between M and the outcome under study. If the missingness of a confounder cannot be explained or approximated by observed covariates and a difference in the outcome is observed depending on M (eg, logHRM ≠ 0), this may be indicative of an underlying MNAR mechanism. We evaluated the possibility of such a differential missingness by fitting an outcome model including M. Since the outcome of this study was a time-to-event outcome, we fitted a univariate and an adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression. We hypothesized that the contrast of a univariate and an adjusted model conditional on observed C1 and C0 covariates might be able to reveal important characteristics between different mechanisms. Specifically, we would expect no meaningful differences between the two resulting log HRs for MCAR, while this may not be true for a MAR or MNAR mechanism.
For all diagnostic models, we altered the inclusion of auxiliary (C0) covariates as an additional simulation parameter and summarized results by averaging the group diagnostic metrics across all simulated plasmode datasets and missingness mechanisms. We computed confidence intervals (CI) for all diagnostics using the empirical Monte-Carlo standard error, which was derived as the standard deviation of the estimate over the square root of the number of stratum-specific simulated plasmode datasets. We additionally visualized the variability of the diagnostic results across all iterations and scenarios using boxplots. More details on the specifications of the three group diagnostics can be found in the Supplementary Methods (sections 1.1.3 and 1.1.5).
Analytic Approaches to Address MissingnessFinally, to examine the performance of different analytic approaches across the simulated missingness scenarios, we compared methods including complete case analysis (CCA), missing indicator method, inverse probability weighting (IPW) with weights based on probabilities derived from a logistic regression model predicting complete cases given C1, missing indicator method, single imputation with RF and multiple imputation (MI) approaches using different parametric and non-parametric models as summarized in Table 1 and Supplementary Methods, section 1.1.4. To evaluate the performance of these approaches, we derived the root mean squared error (RMSE), bias and variance as described by Morris et al26,27 to compare differences in the estimated treatment effect estimates (logHR) of each method and the fixed true treatment effect estimate (logHRtrue = 0). Further details on model specifications and evaluation metrics are given in the Supplementary Methods (section 1.1.5).
Empirical Case ExampleTo augment learnings from our simulation studies, we applied the proposed missingness diagnostics to a case-example study using an empirical cohort independent of the one we used for the simulation. Briefly, a cohort of initiators of either an opioid (exposure) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID, comparator) was identified using Medicare claims-EHR linked data to investigate the comparative risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) (Supplementary Figure 2).28 Since chronic use of NSAIDs is a well-established risk factor for the onset of AKI, we hypothesized that physicians are more likely to prescribe opioids to those patients who are susceptible to AKI based on their baseline risk factors which would lead to strong confounding bias with a spuriously increased risk of AKI among opioid initiators (HR > 1, Supplementary Figure 3).29 To adjust for confounding, we derived multiple, fully observed confounding factors from Medicare claims including demographics, comorbid conditions, and comedications, and three partially observed EHR labs that are prognostic biomarkers of a patient’s baseline kidney function:30 blood urea nitrogen (BUN), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and serum creatinine (Supplementary Table 4). To adjust for these three EHR labs, we investigated potential missing data patterns,25 applied the missingness diagnostics as described earlier and used the results to guide the most appropriate analytic approach.
Statistical SoftwareAll patient cohorts used in this study were created using SAS version 9.4 and all analyses were conducted in R version 4.1.2. Detailed information on used packages and versions can be found in the Supplementary Methods and code used in this study is available at The proportional hazards assumption for the complete cohorts and base cohort was checked using using the cox.zph() function of the “survival” package and plotted using the ggcoxzph() function of the “survminer” package (Supplementary Figures 4 and 5) without indication of a significant violation.
ResultsDiagnosticsThe diagnostic results, averaged across all simulated datasets, are summarized in Table 3 and the distributions of the different diagnostic results by mechanism across all scenarios and iterations are illustrated in Supplementary Figure 6.
Table 3 Averaged Simulation Results of Missingness diagnostics Across All Simulated Plasmode Datasets
The three group diagnostics successfully identified characteristic patterns of the simulated missingness mechanisms. For Group 1 diagnostics, the patient characteristics showed substantial differences for MAR, but not for MCAR and both types of MNAR (median ASMD 0.20 vs 0.05, 0.09, and 0.06). In group 2 diagnostics, the discrimination of the prediction models for missingness was highest for MAR (0.59) and lowest for MCAR (0.50). For MNAR, but not for MAR or MCAR, missingness was significantly associated with the outcome even in models adjusting for other observed patient characteristics. Investigating the potential for differential missingness in group 3 diagnostics, both univariate and fully adjusted models indicated no association under MCAR (logHR 0.00, [95% confidence interval −0.01–0.00]), while MAR showed a spurious association in the univariate model (logHR(univariate) 0.53, [0.53, 0.54]) which disappeared after adjusting for other fully observed covariates (logHR 0.00 [−0.01, 0.00]). In contrast, a significant difference for the association between the missingness and the outcome was found in both MNAR mechanisms even after comprehensive adjustment.
Analyzing the diagnostics results by proportion missing, COI, and inclusion of auxiliary covariates did not meaningfully change these characteristic patterns (Table 4, Supplementary Tables 5 and 6). A minor exception was that there was a noticeable increase in the ability to predict missingness (group 2 diagnostics) with increasing proportions of missingness under MAR (AUC 0.53 with 10% to 0.63 with 50% missingness, Table 4).
Table 4 Averaged Simulation Results of Missingness Diagnostics by Proportion Missingness
Analytic ApproachesMI approaches resulted in the lowest RMSE, bias and variance, with a RF-based algorithm showing the best overall performance, closely followed by the default MICE implementation for the specific variable types (Figure 3). The single imputation missForest algorithm tended to show a higher bias and RMSE as compared to the MI counterparts. CCA and IPW performed equally poor in terms of bias, but IPW was observed to have higher variance than CCA and resulted in the highest RMSE (the corresponding IP weights by proportion of imposed missingness are displayed in Supplementary Figure 7). Comparing the different methods by missingness mechanism, MNAR (value) led to the highest RMSE across analytic methods (Figure 4). Including auxiliary covariates in imputation models led to slightly lower RMSEs, independent of the imputation method (Supplementary Figure 8, the corresponding correlation strengths between covariates and COI are displayed in Supplementary Figures 9–11).
Figure 3 Panel illustrating (a) root mean squared error (RMSE), (b) % bias and (c) Variance for each analytic missing data method averaged across all simulation scenarios.
Figure 4 Root mean square error (RMSE) metrics by simulated missingness mechanism.
Empirical Case-ExampleAfter applying all in- and exclusion criteria, the final cohort comprised 13,340 patients. The BUN, eGFR and serum creatinine labs were missing in 52.07%, 55.51% and 51.51% of all patients, respectively (Supplementary Figure 12).
Of 7458 patients with at least one unobserved value for either of the three labs, 6862 (92%) patients were observed with missing values for all three labs concurrently, suggesting an almost monotone missing data pattern (Figure 5).31 To avoid inflated AUCs in the group 2 diagnostics by the missingness of one lab being a perfect predictor for another, we applied the missingness diagnostics for each lab independent of the other two labs as potential predictors (except for Little’s test). The patterns of the missingness diagnostics were similar across all three EHR labs and matched the ones observed for MAR in the simulation study (Table 5). We therefore concluded that MI was an appropriate analytic method and imputed 50 datasets including the three EHR labs, exposure, outcome and fully observed covariates using a RF-based MI model, as this was the best performing algorithm in the simulation study.
Table 5 Missingness Diagnostics of the Exemplary Base Case Study for Three Blood Laboratory Measurements Representing a Patient’s Baseline Kidney Function. Due to the Expected Monotone Missingness Pattern, the Missingness Diagnostics for One EHR Lab Were Performed in Absence of the Other Two EHR Labs, Except for Little’s Test Which Globally Tests for Presence of MCAR Considering All EHR Labs Jointly
As expected, the unadjusted outcome model suggested a spuriously increased risk among opioid users (hazard ratio [HR] 1.36, 95% 1.22–1.52, Figure 6). Adjusting for all fully observed covariates decreased the HR meaningfully towards the null and became insignificant (1.07, 0.94–1.22). Adding the three imputed EHR labs led to a further decrease of the pooled HR in the expected direction without appreciable increase in variance (HR 1.05, 0.92–1.20).
Figure 5 Missingness pattern25 of Blood urea nitrogen (bun_results_NA), estimated glomerular filtration rate (egfr_results_NA) and serum creatinine (creatinine_result_NA) in the base case cohort. The set size displays the count of missing observations for each lab result individually while the intersection size illustrates the count of intersecting missing observations across the three labs.
Figure 6 Comparison of results from the empirical case example assessing opioid versus non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use on the time to acute kidney injury dependent on level of adjustment.
DiscussionIn this study, we developed, validated, and illustrated a principled approach to empirically characterize missing data processes for partially observed EHR confounders and investigated the performance of analytic methods under different missingness scenarios using the plasmode simulation framework. The three proposed group diagnostics successfully identified patterns that matched assumptions for a set of simulated missing data structures. We additionally found that of all the analytic approaches to handle missing data we considered, MI approaches were most efficient and led to the lowest bias when compared to other methods.
Given that typically only few studies outline their assumptions on missing data mechanisms and fail to provide reasoning as to why certain analytic choices are made,32 systematic approaches to handle partially observed covariates are essential to mitigate bias stemming from inappropriate methods and to increase transparency. In combination with M-graphs to outline missingness assumptions and to aid decisions on the recoverability of the studied estimand,8,20 our proposed missingness diagnostics can be a valuable tool to routinely characterize missing data processes. Particularly when supplemented with substantive expert knowledge (eg, clinicians), this can help researchers understand how covariates are measured in routine care processes and contextualize potential reasons for missingness. In our simulations, the three group diagnostics differentiated well between MCAR and MAR. Distinguishing between MCAR and MNAR (value) may be difficult as both these mechanisms could lead to no real detectable difference in patient characteristics between those with and without missingness in group 1 diagnostics, which in turn would lead to low discrimination in prediction model for missingness indicator in group 2 diagnostics. In such situations, a strong association between missingness indicator and the outcome of interest in both univariate and adjusted models, as suggested in our group 3 diagnostics, could indicate differential MNAR mechanisms.
Analytically, we found that MI algorithms addressed missingness well under MCAR and MAR, which has been also shown in previous studies.9,33,34 When the missingness mechanisms followed either of the two MNAR mechanisms, higher RMSEs were observed across all methods, although in relative comparison, MI approaches still performed best. Although for this simulation we operated under the assumption of the COIs being critical confounders, it may also be a reasonable approach to ignore a partially observed covariate when the diagnostics indicate likely MNAR and if the confounding strength is negligible.35 IPW models showed similar bias compared to a CCA but consistently had higher variance. This was also observed under a true MAR mechanism, where we would have expected IPW to show less biased results than the CCA. One potential explanation could be unstable weights resulting from a violation of the positivity assumption in small samples with low prevalence COIs, which could lead the probability of being a complete case very close to 0 (Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Figure 7).36,37 Further, the IPW models in this study were rather simple and model misspecification may have also contributed to this observation. More sophisticated approaches such as the augmented IPW (AIPW) may improve the performance due to their more flexible properties as doubly robust models.36
Given that the missingness under a MNAR (unmeasured) scenario depends on an unobserved confounder, the availability of highly correlated auxiliary covariatesfor instance, recorded diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a proxy for partially observed smoking, as proxies may help shift an MNAR (unmeasured) to a MAR mechanism and thereby enable the imputation of the data.10,38 Such covariate correlations can be easily inspected, eg, utilizing correlation heatmaps. Given the presence of a few moderate correlations between auxiliary covariates and COIs in our simulation (Supplementary Figures 9–11), the inclusion of auxiliary covariates in imputation models led to lower RMSEs (Supplementary Figure 8). This is not applicable to MNAR (value) mechanisms since values between patients with and without an observed COI systematically differ and are not inferable from observed data. One analytic method that has been proposed for this mechanism are fully conditional specified imputation models that include a sensitivity parameter which accounts for this systematic difference conditional on all remaining variables of the data and their respective missingness indicators (delta adjustment).39 The challenge among these models is the determination of the sensitivity parameter, as this quantity is typically unknown.40 Hence, one popular application of this method is the use as sensitivity analysis by modeling multiple sensitivity parameters over a range of plausible values to elucidate ‘tipping points’, ie, systematic differences, which would yield a qualitative change of the primary analysis results.
Applying the group diagnostics in the empirical case example demonstrated how these diagnostics can be routinely used in real-world evidence studies involving partially observed confounders. The diagnostics suggested a near monotone missingness patterns and MAR mechanism between the three EHR labs, which is clinically plausible given that serum creatinine is needed to calculate eGFR and hence these labs are typically measured together as part of a kidney labs panel. The corresponding multiple imputation analysis combining claims and EHR confounders led to a decreased HR which moved the treatment effect estimate closer in the expected direction. However, the difference to the claims only analysis was only marginal and a stronger decrease to a HR < 1 in a fully adjusted model would have been expected. This may be explained by residual confounding of unmeasured prognostic factors and the modeling of the exposure in an intention-to-treat analysis, which may have biassed the estimates towards the null as patients were not censored upon treatment switch or discontinuation.
Strengths and LimitationsOne weakness of this study is that we based our assumptions on four different missingness mechanisms, which may be an oversimplification. Mixed mechanisms may also be possible, which would increase the number of potential combinations of scenarios by several orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, the four considered mechanisms are plausible and common in EHR, as also corroborated by observations in the empirical case example. In addition, our study solely focused on partially observed confounders and did not address missingness in exposure or outcome variables, which would be important future avenues for research.
To our knowledge, this is the first study that systematically investigated an empirical approach to characterize missingness processes in EHR confounder data. We used plasmode simulations as more realistic alternatives to de novo simulations since it retains more complex covariate correlations inherent to real-world data. We further considered a wide range of different simulation parameters including two different MNAR mechanisms that so far has received limited attention in the literature. Finally, although the simulations focused on one partially observed COI at a time, the empirical case-example study illustrated that these missingness diagnostics can be readily extended to multivariate missing data. Finally, a major contribution of the current paper is that we provide an R package for implementation ( of the proposed diagnostics.41
ConclusionsThe proposed principled diagnostics successfully differentiated between four different simulated missingness mechanisms, provided insights into underlying missingness structures and may be routinely used in real-world evidence studies involving partially observed confounders. MI approaches performed well in this study under MCAR and MAR mechanisms and, combined with M-graphs and sensitivity analyses, the proposed missingness diagnostics can help elucidate if such analytic approaches are viable options and thereby improve the robustness of studies involving partially observed confounders.
Data Sharing StatementPatient-level data cannot be shared due to restriction under our data use agreement with CMS. However, to test the missing data diagnostics and imputation analyses, the smdi R package includes a simulated dataset (smdi_data) with similar missingness structures as the data used in this manuscript. Patient cohorts used in this study were queried using SAS version 9.4 and all analyses were conducted in R version 4.1.2. Detailed information on used packages and versions can be found in the Supplementary Methods and code used in this study is available at The missing data diagnostics presented in this manuscript can be implemented using the smdi R package, available from and CRAN via install.packages(“smdi”).
Ethics StatementThis study does not meet the criteria for human subject research as defined by Mass General Brigham Human Research Office policies, Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations set forth in 45 CFR 46, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations set forth in 21 CFR 56. The study involves public health surveillance activity as defined by HHS regulations at 45 CFR 46.102(l)(2).
AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Shawn Murphy and Henry Chueh and the Mass General Brigham Health Care Research Patient Data Registry group for facilitating use of their database. Parts of this paper were presented at the 39th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Halifax, Canada as an oral presentation with interim findings.
FundingThis project was supported by Master Agreement 75F40119D10037 from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
DisclosureThe FDA approved the study protocol, statistical analysis plan and reviewed and approved this manuscript. Coauthors from the FDA participated in the results interpretation and in the preparation and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. The FDA had no role in data collection, management, or analysis. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the US FDA. Janick Weberpals reports prior employment by Hoffmann-La Roche and previously held shares in Hoffmann-La Roche. Pamela Shaw is a named inventor on a patent licensed to Novartis by the University of Pennsylvania for an unrelated project. Sengwee Toh serves as a consultant for Pfizer, Inc. and TriNetX, LLC. Robert J Glynn has received research funding through his employer from Amarin, Kowa, Novartis, and Pfizer. Dr. Desai reports serving as Principal Investigator on investigator-initiated grants to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital from Novartis, Vertex, and Bristol-Myers-Squibb on unrelated projects. All remaining authors report no disclosures or conflicts of interest.
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