Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) stands as a remarkable innovation in the realm of gastroenterology and its allied disciplines. EUS has evolved to such an extent that it now assumes a pivotal role in both diagnosis and therapeutics. In addition, it has developed as a tool which is also capable of addressing complications arising from endoscopic and surgical procedures. This minimally invasive technique combines endoscopy with high-frequency ultrasound, facilitating, high-resolution images of the gastrointestinal tract and adjacent structures.
Complications within the gastrointestinal tract, whether stemming from endoscopic or surgical procedures, frequently arise due to disruption in the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract wall. While these complications are usually promptly detected, there are instances where their onset is delayed. EUS plays a dual role in the management of these complications. Firstly, in its ability to assess and increasingly to definitively manage complications through drainage procedures.
It is increasingly employed to manage post-surgical collections, abscesses biliary strictures and bleeding. Its high-resolution imaging capability allows precise real-time visualisation of these complications.
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